Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Clearing the way for the PNQ!

I have been clearing my calendar to allow time to write the article for the Pacific Northwest Quarterly. During the two month hiatus (July & August) of Whatcom Writers and Publishers, I'll also be taking time off from writing the newsletter, "Writers' Block" and have cancelled meetings for The Best Seller's Book club here in Lynden and the Julia Cameron writing workshop on Saturday evenings. Writing for the PNQ is a serious business in that the article will be reviewed by a panel of historians at the UW, including Editor, Prof. John Findlay. My writing of late has been light, such as newsletter and little pieces for the writing workshop. Now I will have no "I'm too busy" excuses and am determined to write SOMETHING every day. I'm thinking that a commitment to blog daily and confirm the writing will help to keep me on track. So I hereby make the commitment, beginning on Monday, June 28th (which is, coincidentally, my 65th birthday..a good time to make the change and the commitment.)


  1. Good luck! Just sharpen that pencil and do it!

    I'm off to the Phillips Library in Salem MASS for research on the Ann Parry. Hope to get some good stuff. And material for another article or finally, the book.

  2. And good luck to you! I have now linked my blog to the Lynden Pioneer Museum's blog, "Museum Musings," so will be able to share much of my research and especially historic photos with those who log onto the museum's website. This is a dream long in coming and I look forward to it!
